Associates Program

Sponsorship Levels:

Legacy Associate: $1,000 donation

  • Invitation to 2 select private events or meetings
  • Receive complimentary copies of Dialogue working papers and policy reports, upon request
  • Job postings related to the Latin American and Caribbean region
  • Acknowledgment in the Dialogue’s Annual Report and online donor roll

Leadership Associate: $500 donation

  • Invitation to 1 select private event or meeting
  • Job postings related to the Latin American and Caribbean region
  • Acknowledgment in the Dialogue’s Annual Report and online donor roll

Associate: $300 donation

  • Job postings related to the Latin American and Caribbean region
  • Acknowledgment in the Dialogue’s Annual Report and online donor roll

Junior Associate: $150 donation (Young professionals under 30)

  • All benefits of the Associate 


Join Now

Donations via check or wire are encouraged to maximize the impact of your gift.
Click here for more information.

Charity Navigator has given us a four star rating, its highest rating for a charity.

P.S. Individuals looking for other opportunities to engage in the Dialogue’s work are encouraged to visit our Support Us page. Invite your company to join our Corporate Program or encourage your employer to match your contribution. For more information, please contact the Dialogue’s Chief of Staff, Elizabeth Belair, at or +1-202-822-9002.


Legacy Associate

Marie Arana Mary McClymont José Jorge Simán Jacir
Stephen Donehoo Richard Newfarmer Barbara Stallings
Robert Gelbard Moira Paz Estenssoro James Swigert
Barry McCaffrey William Reilly  

Leadership Associate

David Atkinson Erland Karlsson Diana Negroponte
Shelley Blumberg-Lorenzana Melvyn Levitsky Scott Otteman
Avecita Chicchon Claudio Loser Ruben M. Perina
Juan Cruz Díaz Ivonne Lozada Don Podesta
Jeffrey DeLaurentis Ronald MacLean-Abaroa Francisco Sanchez
Steven Griner Cynthia McClintock Carol Wise
Laura Hills James Michel  


Frank Almaguer Sylvia Fletcher Eduardo Pazmiño
Paul Angelo Monica Ganley Lorenzo Perez
Ana Lucia Armijos Kenneth Gross Ann Pforzheimer
Hattie Babbitt Claudio Grossman Arturo Porzecanski
Michele Balfour Eric Hershberg Salvador Samayoa
Christopher Behr Shane J. Hunt Edward Seaton
Roger R. Betancourt Pablo Hurtado Paul Smale
Alma Bibiana Jane Jaquette Pamela Starr
Robert Bottome Linda Kolko Teresa Terminassian
Lourdes Casanova Angela Manso Timothy Towell
Rogelio Cerezo David Mares Irving Tragen
Arturo Condo Shannan Mattiace Edwin Truman
Chris Cote Jacqueline Mazza Emily Vargas-Baron
Russ Dallen John Phillip McLean Eduardo Velez Bustillo
Jean Daudelin Cheryl McQueen Alexander Watson
John Detzner Julia Michaels Earl Anthony Wayne
John Dinges Isidro Morales Victoria Wigodzky
Luigi Einaudi Kathryn Mudge Elizabeth Zechmeister
James Faranda Felipe Ortiz de Zevallos