A New Trend of Religious Populism in Latin America? Ben Raderstorf, Missy Reif ˙ Apr 9, 2018 ˙ Voces Could anger about corruption and lack of trust in institutions bolster a new wave of faith-driven politics?Read more +
Activism Against Gender-Based Violence on the Rise in LAC Missy Reif, Stephanie Bishop ˙ Dec 9, 2016 ˙ Voces The widespread outbreak of activism against gender-based violence in Latin America has captured the media and world’s attention.Read more +
Terrorism Is Not Rio’s Top Concern Missy Reif, Maria Corina Mendoza ˙ Jul 27, 2016 ˙ Voces 05 de Junho de 2016 - Força Nacional de Seguranca assume a segurança das áreas de competições dos jogos Rio 2016. Foto: Roberto Castro/ME Though the threat of terrorism has caused alarm in Brazil, growing crime on the streets of Rio has emerged as the top concern during the Olympics.Read more +