Lisa Ferdinando
Given the huge demands on Washington – domestic and international – and today’s ravaged, fragmented, and leaderless region, this is probably not the right time for bold, ambitious initiatives. But the Biden administration should move quickly to renew partnerships with select countries, emphasizing recovery from Covid-19 and restoring economic and political stability.Read more +
Sarah Stanton, Mariano Jabonero
Ecosistema urbano and Lee Jaruzelski Reyes / Flickr / CC 2.0
How to increase productivity and competitiveness in a complex and changing environment? Mariano Jabonero, Secretary General of the OEI, presents the findings of their latest report "Higher Education, Productivity and Competitiveness in Ibero-America" and answers our questions. Read more +
Eneas de Troya / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
As governments and regional organizations muster a plan for post-pandemic economic recovery, addressing corruption must be at the forefront of any response — now more than ever.Read more +
Wikimedia / Gage Skidmore
The context surrounding the Covid-19 crisis has aggravated the circumstances limiting remittance flows to Cuba. This article explores how digital technologies and cryptocurrencies are emerging as new, formal channels for sending remittances and paying for goods and services from abroad.Read more +
Ariel Fiszbein, Sarah Stanton, Ana Flórez
Agência Brasília, Flickr CC BY 2.0
The Inter-American Dialogue and Teach For All present a brief analysis of the impact that the pandemic has had in the educational systems of the region, based on information provided educational stakeholders representing the public and private sectors.Read more +
jinxiang / Pixabay
The economic damage wrought by Covid-19 in the Caribbean will have numerous implications for the energy sector. In this Q&A, Jed Bailey, managing director of Energy Narrative, discusses impacts for renewables, resilience, utilities, and more.Read more +
US Air Force / Senior Airman Dustin Mullen
Latin America and the Caribbean is confronting a severe recession with uncertain prospects. Although the recovery will primarily depend on external factors, three key components will determine whether the region is capable of sustaining its path of economic prosperity and social cohesion: sound economic management, access to external finance and delivery of quality public goods and services to all its citizens. Covid-19 introduces the sense of urgency as well as an opportunity to continue making real progress.Read more +
File Photo: US Government
The Latin America Advisor sat down with Anabel González, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute of International Economics and former trade minister of Costa Rica, to talk about medical supply chains amid the coronavirus pandemic in relation to Latin American and the Caribbean.Read more +
Presidencia El Salvador / CC0 1.0
The Covid-19 pandemic has created a crisis in the education systems of Latin America and the Caribbean like never before. During the Covid-19 pandemic, what solutions can mitigate the negative impacts of school closures?Read more +
Cuba is experiencing the cumulative effect of the structural crisis of its socio-political and economic model – which was not transformed and is not sustainable for the future – plus the impact of new external factors. The combination of all this will radically increase the crisis that the country is living in. Read more +
Armando Simonin / Flickr / CC By-NC 2.0
The actions, or lack thereof, of the presidents of the region’s two biggest countries, Mexico and Brazil, have drawn particular scrutiny, casting a fresh spotlight on populism in Latin America and its particular vulnerabilities in the face of a global pandemic.Read more +
Rab Lawrence / Flickr / CC BY 2.0
The perfect storm of the plummeting oil price and the Covid-19 pandemic could have dire consequences for oil-dependent Latin American economies, lead to a reduction in upstream investment, and damage the prospects for renewable energy projects.Read more +