REUTERS/Ueslei Marcelino
In June 2019, after two decades of on and off negotiations, the European Union and Mercosur, the South American customs union consisting of Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay, reached an agreement to dramatically expand economic cooperation between the two blocs. This unprecedented free trade agreement would not only eliminate over…Read more +
Alejandra Vargas Durango, Lucas Martins Carvalho
The International Month of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity not only to reflect on the state of their participation in scientific studies but to promote social awareness about the importance of achieving equal access for women to decent work in an industry such as STEM, with enormous…Read more +
Tennen-Gas / CC-BY-2.0 / Wiki Commons
Will Latin America's critical minerals spur a "green resource curse" this century? What kinds of policy tools are available to mitigate the risks?Read more +
ruurmo via Creative COmmons
The Latin America Advisor’s latest video features Thea Lee, the U.S. Labor Department’s deputy undersecretary for international affairs. Lee spoke with Advisor editor Gene Kuleta about labor issues in Latin America. View the latest Advisor video here: To watch other Advisor videos on technology’s role in Latin America’s economic…Read more +
Romeo Gacad/AFP/Getty Images
The Context In the last 10 years, Haiti has turned into one of the most remittances dependent countries in the world. Indeed, migrants’ transfers went from 12 percent of GDP in 2012 to more than a quarter of it in 2022 at around US$3.5 billion. They are by far the…Read more +
Photo by Sam Bojarski/The Haitian Times
Introduction This blog examines the role of remittances on Haiti’s economy. It points to its growing relevance over time, and the dependence on transfers from the US, while describing Haiti’s deteriorating social, political and economic context. The blog also points to a drop in flows in 2022 — which may…Read more +
RawPixel CC0 photo.
This blog examines remittance sending costs to eight Latin American and Caribbean countries and considers that the most important reality shaping the money transfer intermediation industry is that is tied to a global currency market.Read more +
Sergio Massa´s Official Twitter Account
Argentina has an important challenge ahead: avoiding an escalation of the current economic crisis leading to a major social and political turmoil under the government of the Frente de Todos (FDT), the incumbent coalition led by Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner (CFK). A 90 percent yearly inflation rate expected for 2022,…Read more +
El Salvador’s sluggish economy and outdated economic model present serious challenges for the future. Weak economic performance means that life is hard and opportunities are scarce for large portions of the population. It also has far-ranging implications for a variety of issues, including migration, social inclusion, and insecurity. With the…Read more +
Rebecca Bill Chavez, Manuel Orozco
Michael Shick / CC 2.0
Migration is a local phenomenon. Although national governments are key players in crafting policy to address the hemisphere-wide migration crisis, mayors are the ones feeling and dealing with the pressure and, in many cases, developing inclusive solutions. Read more +
Stuart Price/ Flickr / CC0 1.0
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, remittances have become a much more important source of income for many people in Latin America and the Caribbean. It is projected that the growth rate will reach 14 percent in 2022 to nearly US$150 billion, equivalent to 5 percent of the gross domestic product in Latin American and the Caribbean countries...Read more +
Jack Hynes / Flickr / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0
To learn about the implications of the recent Eletrobras sale, the prospects of Petrobras privatization, and how both are affected by the likely return of Lula, the Dialogue's Energy & Climate Program spoke to Dr. Mark Langevin, adjunct professor and senior fellow at George Mason University and senior advisor to Horizon Client Access.Read more +
Luis Gilberto Murillo was tapped by President-elect Gustavo Petro as the incoming ambassador of Colombia to the United States on July 12. Once confirmed, Murillo would become the first Afro-Colombian official to step into the role as the country’s primary envoy to Washington, the Associated Press reported.Read more +